07/10/19 – 14/10/19 (Week 7 – Week 8 )
Arletta Leviani (0337751)
Advances Typography
Project 2


Lecture 7: Typographic in Different Mediums
23/09/19 (week 7)

Today we are learning about typography in different medium. It is explained by Christine, Min Ting, Wan Min, Chan Hee, Qaezie, Arissa, Farah, and Nizam.
  • static typography: Non moving or stay in place typography
  • print typography: printed with ink in different mediums like shirt/paper
  • screen typography: typography on screen 
  • kinetic typography: is a moving typography/ animated letters
  • motion typography: moving elements but not transforming to new elements
  • fluid typography: moving elements into non-typographic elements. 
  • Environmental typography employs architectural elements such as colors, patterns, materials, images, themes. 
  • Virtual: use computer technology to create environment.
  • augmented reality: enhanced version of a real-world environment made by computer-generated perceptual information.



Week 7-8
After we got confirmation of our key art work, we need to make a poster, and 2 collateral. We need to pick 2 different ones. I decided to make a tote bag and a t-shirt. Later on we need to print them. This project is also related to our interactive design project to make a microweb.

The Design School,
Taylor’s University

The Troublemakers Manifesto: A Design Colloquium 

Open Public Lectures:

November 8, 2019

Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM
Muthu Neduraman, 1PM–2PM
Fahmi Reza, 2PM-3PM
Fahmi Fadzil, 3PM-4PM

Lecture Theatre 12

This is the poster I made and the progress.

Fig 1.1 Progress of poster.

Fig 1.2  Poster JPEG

After I made the poster, I make the design for tote bags. I made 3 design and I pick this one. I want to make design that have continuing lines from the front and back.

Fig 1.3 Progress of making tote bag

Fig 1.4 Tote bag

I made several design for the shirt.

Fig 1.5 shirt progress

Fig 1.6.1 shirt front

Fig 1.6.2 shirt back

Fig 1.7.1 shirt front

Fig 1.7.2 shirt back


Fig 1.8 flat images of poster, shirt and tote bag

We also made a microsite in our interactive design class to sell our mock up. This is the site:

Fig 1.9 microsite

Fig 2.0.1 Tshirst front

Fig 2.0.2 Tshirt back

Fig 2.0.3 tote bag front

Fig 2.0.3 tote bag back

Fig 2.0.4 poster

Fig 2.0.5 All collateral


Week 7
Images in the post for exercise is not well presented. It has shadow and not flat. No PDF file for the final Finding Type exercise. 

Specific Feedback 
I was told that I need to fix my composition, make shapes from the eyes, mouth and nose like circle, triangle and square. Make sure the word Design Colloquium placed smartly around the lines. 

Online feedback
Arletta I think you may need to put the letters back, difficult for people to guess so better not take that chance. It's ok now, just fix that and move on to the collateral.

Week 8
General Feedback 
To have to information text sizes in 14-18 pt. Not more. Make sure to work on A2 papers so you don't have to resize them when printing. They need to make sure eport are up to date because Mr Vinod will see the works from eport with all the progress. Experience should be written well, not just 1 sentence. Specific Feedback For the poster, I was told to make the lines tangled around the information.

Second feedback
Mr Vinod said that it is better to change my key artwork since not a lot of people will understand the meaning behind of if, Mr Shamsul said that it is better to get a better composition for the placement for the key artwork.

Week 9
General Feedback
Remember to make sure when you are breaking the key artwork, the audience understand that it is about the design colloquium even when they are only seeing the tote bag or the shirt only. Please print your work first to make sure everything is in place and fix if any necessary changes. Show it to Mr Vinod too.


Week 7
Making tote bag and shirt is and interesting experience. I had a lot of problem making the designs. I decided to go trough pinterest to get inspiration of how to compose well like the margins. I had problem making the shirt since I don't know how to design it well.

Week 8
I'm pretty happy with how the tote bag looks like, but I still working on my shirt. I decided to make them quite simple in a few of my designs like my tote bag. I don't quite like it so I did it so I do another research from pinterest. I decided to do a big artwork at the back of the shirt, and small one on the left chest area in the front.

Week 7
I notice that I need to be careful when making continuing lines for my tote bag. I need to make sure they are align but also to make their curves smooth. I did a lot of try and error but manage to make it later on. I also tried to do the same thing with shirt but failed because how shirt is going to be worn in a body and going to be curved differently, and I can't seem to connected correctly

Week 8
Everyone seems panicking when Mr Vinod was checking the blog because no one actually expect he will check it today. I notice that I use a lot of reference when making the shirt to know the placements.

Week 7
I notice that making a few design gives a better view of the best design instead of just settled on one right away. I did a few ones and finally happy with mine after several tries, especially on my shirts.

Week 8
A few things I noticed when making a design for a shirt is usually there are a small artwork in the left side of the chest, the middle of the chest but usually more wider, either back/front design of a big artwork.


Why Fonts Matter by Sarah Hyndman
Week 7-8 (07/10/19-14/10/19)


In the book, it was said that typography is storytelling, Clive Lewis and Peter Walker said that typefaces set the scene and clue you in to what the world will reveal.
  • Instinctive responses: react to typefaces and respond to the shapes.
  • Learned associations: react from experiences, some from universal recognized or from unique experiences.
  • Learned knowledge: The domain of the expert who has acquired a great deal of knowledge of the subject that gives a complex set of qualities.


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