16/09/19 – 04/12/19 (Week 8 – Week 15)
Arletta Leviani (0337751)
Video and Sound Production
Final Project

Final Project Progression
Our final project are stop motion, and our first assignment is to find 3 of our favorite stop motion that we could find online. I saw a few stop motion that I really like. I believe it was made by a professional so the movement is really smooth. What I love about it is that the stop motion is full of imagination in the making. The sound that was use are so realistic to the point that it seems real.

Fig 1.1 Stop Motion example 1

I am grouping with Poh Min Ting. We are planning to make a story out of a donuts life, but then replaced by a semi horror story. The story start quietly until the donuts realized they are going to be eaten. The donuts objection is to escape the monster (human). During the making of the story board, I consult with Mr Martin a few times until everything is okay.

This is all the story board:

Fig 1.1.1 storyboard part 1

Fig 1.1.2 storyboard part 2

Fig 1.1.3 storyboard part 3

Fig 1.1.4 storyboard part 4

Fig 1.1.5 storyboard part 5

Fig 1.1.6 storyboard part 6


This is some behind the scenes taken by our friend in the E1.02 studio.

Fig 1.2.1 Behind the scenes 1

Fig 1.2.2 Behind the scenes 2

This is the background used when making the stop motion. There are total of 3 part, 2 background each (back and ground), made digitally using Paint Tool Sai.

Fig 1.3.1 1st part background

Fig 1.3.2 2nd part background

Fig 1.3.3 3rd part background

This is the progression of the audio editing.

Fig 1.4 Progression audio

Our final work:


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