07/01/20 - 17/02/20 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Arletta Leviani (0337751)
Information Design
Final Project



Lecture: Chunking
21/01/20 (Week 3)

This week we learn about trim path. Mr Shamsul teach us using an example of a circle path that can be use as a graph. He also teach use using alpha mask on another layer. This is my exercise that I did in class.

Final Project

We started by being briefed by Mr Shamsul of what we need to do and not to do. He said to make the video content, we need to make sure our content is filled with numbers and graphs, not how things works or how to do things. For our topic, we got electric and based on the topic, we decided to talk about how safe we are around lightning. We make our content and compile them together. This is the animatics that we make. Assets are made by Xuan and I compiled them using Jess' voice over.

This is the progression of asset that Xuan made. This is for scene 2.

Fig 1.1 scene 2

This is my progress of animating. This is on first scene, I use mostly position and rotation. I also use camera on this scene to give movement on the scene. In some scene I also learn how to do number counting up.

When making the animation, I make sure to not have any time that is a still image. To avoid that, I make sure to move something like blinking eyes or moving hand. The only thing I have problem is that it is quite difficult for me to see how fast the animation because I need to keep up to the voice over. In total it took me 4 to 5 days to finish all 10 scenes.

I make sure to finish this by Saturday or Sunday morning so Desmond can put some song and audio in the video. This is the final video.


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