08/05/20 - 29/05/20 (Week 5 - Week 8)
Arletta Leviani (0337751)
3D Modelling
Project 1



Lecture 6: Lighting and rendering
15/05/20 (Week 6)

Today we learn about texturing, normal map, roughness, metallic. Mr Kannan explains that there are several way of us to add texture. The first way that he demonstrate is using a pre-made image and put them in hypershade. This technique is not really suitable from complex mesh since it is pre-made, the texture is wrap unevenly throughout the mesh as well. There a way of fixing this is by using UV maps. This is the second way, by using UV maps, we can create textured that desired based on the mesh we made. We can choose several types of UV map based on what we needed and put our pre-made image in. Adjust the UV map first, then export the UV map and use Adobe Photoshop to create the textures that we wanted.

The last way is using Substance Painter, export the mesh as obj file and import them to Substance Painter and start painting, the painted work become our texture image that can be imported back to Maya.

This week is our first project which is making man-made object of robot or cars, we are told to find inspiration online and create a basic shape of the idea. I wanted to make a bird-like-robot and use this images as my inspiration.

These are my first mesh that I made. I was still new to Maya and I progress rather slowly.

I was planing to use Humming Bird aw the main inspiration but Mr Kannan feedback wa to use a bigger bird, I decided to change it completely. He suggested Toucan Bird.

Lecture 7: Introduction to organic 3Dmodeling (Character)
22/05/20 (Week 7)

This is my second design of the robot bird. I made the basic shapes and sketch the design on Paint Tool Sai like Mr Kannan did. After finish sketching I made them in Maya, I didn't make the other half of the wings because I was planing to duplicate them at the end.

Mr Kannan feedback was that my mesh is too sharp on the edges, he told me to soften them to make it look natural. For the wings, make them a bit rounded so it look more natural. He sketch the feedback on Photoshop.

Lecture 8: Unwrap UVW and texture painting
29/05/20 (Week 8)

This week I finished up my mesh and all my UV map but in such a hurry. I only did automatic UV map, which make the UV map really terrible and messy, it's all stretch and cut on weird places that create obvious separation when given textures. The texture come out pixelated.

On class, Mr Kannan explains how to do the correct UV map on complex objects, I understand my mistakes. For feedback, Mr Kannan told me to submit on Sunday but overall a good progress, just needed to be finished, but I'm really not happy with my work and decided to redo all the UV map again. I would say it all worth it because when I import them to Substance Painter, all the difficulty I had is no longer there, I manage to paint quickly too because I no longer has issues and when I import back to maya, there's no sudden stretch of the textures because of weirdly place UV maps.

This is my final outcome:

Some details I put in, since it is a toy, I put finger prints on the key as if it is used, some stretched on the body so it doesn't seem brand new.


The sketchfab version of my work:



I learn that having a clean UV map and the correction one is crucial, it will be hard to add texture later on of the UV map is incorrect. I learn not to use automatic UV mapping since it gives me a harder time to fix and sew, I rather just use an UV box which is rather easy.

When doing painting on Substance Painter, sometimes there a mesh that seem transparent. I thought I did something wrong with my mesh and I keep going back to Maya to find out what I did wrong. I think it's like that because it is a exact reflection of the mesh and UV map, it is automatically have the texture when rendered.


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