Advanced Animation - Final Project
Arletta Leviani (0337751)
Advanced Animation
Final Project
Final Project
09/11/20 (week 11)
I continue to work on the animation, since I'm not in usual offline class, I don't know about the rest of the class speed. I thought I started late, which turn out the other way around. I started early and finished my animation rather quicker than others. I make the staging area kitchen, and added some colors. Mr Kannan suggested to match the color type to the model I choose, so I don't use much patterns.
16/11/20 (week 12)
I then start to add light. Mr Kannan said that using 3 light rule is alright. 1 to light the character, 1 the background, and 1 the back of the character a bit. At first I settled with it, but then I thought that I worked so hard on the animation, that it would be a waste just to add whatever light to it. So I decided to make a sunset feel to the animation. I manage to do it well with the choices of colors of the light. I tried to create a light from the sun, but I cant do it. So I went to YouTube for solution. I follow this tutorial for the sunlight.
I have so much trouble exporting it, seems very fuzzy. If seen in Maya it doesn't flicker like the final video. It took me almost a week to render and I have no more time to redo the rendering process. I really sad that it rendered badly. I should have research how to render better.
Youtube version.
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