26/08/19 – /19 (Week 1 – Week 5)
Arletta Leviani (0337751)
Video and Sound Production

Lecture 1
26/08/19 (week 1)

Today we are having our first class, we do a little briefing for the exercises, projects and final project. Mr Martin are giving some example from our seniors works on sound production exercises and some of their final project. We are required to have Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere, but during our work, we may also be using Adobe After Effect.

Our final project are stop motion, and our first assignment is to find 3 of our favorite stop motion that we could find online. I saw a few stop motion that I really like. I believe it was made by a professional so the movement is really smooth. What I love about it is that the stop motion is full of imagination in the making. The sound that was use are so realistic to the point that it seems real.

Fig 1.1 Stop Motion example 1

By the same production, another stop motion using gloves and football as meat, one dollar money as cabbages.

Fig 1.2 Stop Motion example 2

Another stop motion that I love is by the same person. The reason I love this video is because of the little details put on the video. For example the little 'avocado' that left on the knives.

Fig 1.3 Stop Motion example 3

We are starting with getting use with Adobe Premiere. We are learning about the basic tools of Adobe Premiere. We are given videos of our seniors for practice. The story was based on a Netflix series. We need to copy the scenes and edit everything.

Fig 1.4 Adobe Premiere work place

Fig 1.5 Adobe Premiere sequence

This is the video I do as practice on week 1.

I use Adobe Premiere before years ago, even when I am used to the program and use it often, I notice I did some things wrongly. I rarely use the in and out point when I edit, and I tried to fix that now. It's hard to break old habit but I'll do my best.

I was told I did a good job, Mr Martin also said that I did a good job. I did the next week exercise where we supposed to overlap videos or audio.

Lecture 2
04/09/19 (week 2)

We learn about making the audio and video overlap, using tools like ripple edit tool, rolling tool. The tools allowed us do certain task faster. We are also told to make sure our conversations doesn't have an awkward pause between dialog.

We need to start our final project, I decided to work with Xiao Ting. Mr Martin suggested that we should start early so we won't be overwhelm later in the semester. 

STOP-motion Idea
"A Hotpot Story" - Reunion
“How long have you not gone home to celebrate the Chinese New Year and reunite with your family?”

How long have we been reunited with our family since we left our hometown to work or study? I chose the hot pot as a symbol of reunion, because people usually sit around and eat hot pot, which makes it look like a family reunion. I will do this final project by using mixed materials (button, rubber, etc).

Fig 1.4 visual style one
We are going to use mixed  media, we can use fabrics, for human in the story. Using this kind of items help creating dimension since it can be stacked. This can be handy when in the making of the hotpot.

Fig 1.5 visual style two
The visual style of the overall scene can be look like this, using a background to help with creating atmosphere. The background is going to be made by me with digital art.

Fig 1.5 visual style three
This is where making the hotpot visual come from. We are planing making a hotpot, I think this is this the best visual representation of what we want to do.


I like the most of my stop motion project is that it reminds people of the family's memories and feels the warmth of the family from the bottom of their hearts. Then, they will realize how long they have not been home. Indirectly, people find that it is the happiest thing to have a family member with them

We learn how to overlap videos, we are required to make sure our video is 50 seconds. I also need to make sure the conversation look realistic without any pause in between dialog.

We were also given an assignment to record different angles based on storyboard that was given.

Fig 2.1 Shooting practice 1

Fig 2.2 Shooting practice 2
This is our final video.

Audio Production

Our video production class are on Monday and because of the holidays, we don't have class. Mr Razif give our lecture through google classroom. We start with Adobe Audition and start with equalizer.

Fig 2.1 eq 1

Fig 2.2 eq 2

Fig 2.3 eq 3

Fig 2.4 eq 4

Fig 2.5 eq 5

Fig 2.6 eq 6
My Monday class is cancelled since it is public holiday so I have to learn from a video that was posted on google classroom. To learn from there is a bit of a challenge, I really learn that having someone telling you if what you do is correct is really helpful.


Mr Razif said it's good, except the last one since it need to be less pitch.

Lecture 3
12/08/19 (week 1)

On our video production class we learn about a few plot segmentation.

Plot exercise

Act 1: from the very start of the video, until before the brother talk to Guang.
Act 2: from the brother talked to Guang, until he is yelling for not going to the interview.
Climax: Brother yell at Guang.
Act 3: from brother yelling to Guang finished playing the glass.

Our exercise for audio production we need to make an audio as if it came from a different places, we need to do 1 from a telephone, 1 from a closed place like a closet, and 1 from a stadium.




Lecture 4
19/08/19 (week 4)

Today is holiday because of the haze, but this is the powerpoint presentation from google classroom.

Lecture 5
26/08/19 (week 5)

We are doing our first color correcting as an exercise.

This is the exercise I did in class

Audio exercise (punch)

Audio exercise (explosion)


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