ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY - Final Compilation And Reflection

26/08/19 - 25/11/19 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Arletta Leviani (0337751)
Advanced Typography
Final Compilation And Reflection




Project 1

Project 2

Final Project

Typographic system

Fig 1.1 Axial system 

Fig 1.2 Radial system

Fig 1.3 Dilatational system

Fig 1.4 Random system

Fig 1.5 Grid system

Fig 1.6 Modular system

Fig 1.7 Transitional system

Fig 1.8 Modular system

Type & Play (part 1)

Fig 2.1 Original Picture

Fig 2.2 letter U

Fig 2.3 letter L

Fig 2.4 letter Q

Fig 2.5 letter A

Fig 2.6 letter Z

Type & Play (part 2)

Fig 3.1 Type & Play (part 2) - final

Project 1 - Troublemakers Manifesto (Key Artwork & Title)

Fig 4.1 Final design in JPG - Key Artwork

Project 2 - Troublemakers Manifesto (Collateral)

Fig 5.1  Poster JPEG

Fig 5.2 Tote bag

Fig 5.3 shirt front

Fig 5.4 shirt back

Fig 5.5 flat images of poster, shirt and tote bag


Fig 5.6 microsite

Final Project

Fig 6.1 Final version typeface

Traditional Kawi Script:

Fig 6.2 kawi script final

Fig 6.3 kawi script final
Fig 6.4 kawi script final

Fig 6.5 kawi script final

Fig 6.6 Kawah putih commercial poster

Fig 6.7 Gunung Bromo commercial poster

Fig 6.8 Gunung Bromo application

Fig 6.9 notebook, pencil, silver mailer mockup

Fig 7.0 book mockup

Fig 7.1 paper bag mockup

Fig 7.2 lighter mockup

Fig 7.3 Tags mockup

Fig 7.4 Postcard mockup

Fig 7.5 Name card mockup


Week 14
General feedback:
Please put your jpg files in the first exercise because Mr Vinod need to know which one is which Typographic system.

To put the original picture of type&play so there comparison.

Put the screen-graph of microsite and put the link to the site as well. 


Looking back of the start of the semester 2, I would say, Advance Typography is not as stressful as semester 1 Typography, probably because I have the basic idea what to expect on this class. Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul is not as strict as before, and joke around more around us as well and it really help me not to be too stressed. My opinion of this class is similar to the last semester's, I learn most in this class than any other modules, even when I am not going to graphic design as my specialization. Maybe for some people Mr Vinod's feedback is too direct, but I like that kind of feedback better.

My goal from this semester is similar to last semester's, I just want to do better than the beginning of the semester and try to do better each exercise and projects. I really think I push myself during project 1 and 2 the most.

Mr Vinod wears white for the whole 1 year of teaching me, except on 8 November 2019, he wears grey for Troublemakers Manifesto. I notice that Mr Vinod is more relax and happy this semester, he jokes around and smile more. I really hope this continue since he looks scary when he is frowning. Mr Shamsul also like to talk with our class outside of work unlike last semester.

I notice that doing a presentation really helping us understand that subject. I understand more some part of the module than just listening to lectures because we did research on our own. When making mockups for project 2 and print them out, it feels weird when you have your work in your hand. Also, because did our mockups on the computer, it is hard for me to imagine how big our work should be when printing them especially when it is our first time printing either shirt and bag. The work in computer will look smaller than the printed work so I need to be careful when putting my design on printing.

I find that it is difficult for me at first to let go my first ideas and work when being rejected, but now I see that  the work that got rejected is not the best version I can do or just doesn't work in general. During that rejections I manage to know what direction I should go and start going to that path little by little and start to understand. I learn to let go my previous idea to make a better one over time, not keep working on idea that won't work in the start.


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